Human Resource Analytics

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Glorious Airport Analytics “Human Resource Module”

Glorious Airport Analytics Human Resource Module is a talent management data analytics platform to improve critical talent and airport business outcomes. The module empowers the HR leaders to develop data-driven insights to inform talent decisions, improve workforce processes and promote positive employee experience. 

The module provides the management with the capability to measure the effectiveness of the Airport HR function with the right HR metrics.

The Human Resource module provides insights on performance of resources, categorized by different job role levels in the organization, by different functional roles, employment categories, locations, age & gender.

The Glorious “Human Resource sub-modules”

Employee Performance Tracking

Workforce Management

Talent Acquisition

Employee Retention

Attrition Level Analysis

Policy & Compliance Recruitment

Trainings Management

Learn more about our solution, book a demo with our airport expert now!

We are always delighted and grateful for our clients to speak for us!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)