Terminal Operations Analytics

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Glorious Airport Analytics “Terminal Operations Module”

Glorious Insight Terminal Operations module covers the overall management of terminal facilities and passenger processes at the airport.

Key responsibilities of the Terminal Operations team include:

  • Provides safe, secure, rule-compliant terminal facilities
  • Responsible for operational safety, operability, and cleanliness of the terminal facilities
  • The Terminal Duty Managers are responsible for operational management, and are available 24 hours a day as points of contact for all terminal management issues
  • Provide passengers with customary services such as information, a lost & found office, and a communication center
  • Control the passenger flow
  • Supply departing and arriving passengers and the other stakeholders with current flight data at critical points of decision

The Terminal Operations module helps the airport management to optimize terminal operations and improve overall business performance. The module covers the various performance metrics of the terminal facilities with key performance indicators. The management is provided insightful reports with drill down/up features with easy-to-understand visuals.

The Glorious “Terminal Operations sub-modules”

Queue Time Analysis

e-boarding Analysis

CUSS & CUTE Usage Analysis

Wait Time Analysis Gate Operations

Learn more about our solution, book a demo with our airport expert now!

We are always delighted and grateful for our clients to speak for us!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)