Operations Analytics

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Glorious Airport Analytics “Operations Module”

Airport Operations Control team is where multiple stakeholders work together to develop and monitor all aspects of airport operations. The team operates like the heart of the airport, processes and monitors data from various sources using multiple methods. By this means, it produces information to portray an accurate picture of airport conditions and enables managing parties to take the right decisions.

The operations control team is a focal point for airport operations through normal conditions, irregular operations, and emergency situations. In addition, the team monitors all airport operations by allocating resources with the airport planning department.

The team is responsible for airport management decisions like monitoring, control, coordination, reporting and analysis.

Glorious Airport Analytics operations module offers real time reports of the overall airport operations to the management. The various aspects of airport operations are monitored with key performance indicators covering the operations analytics, PAX analysis, resource utilization, waiting times, cuss & cute usage, gate operations, etc., Airport Operations Analytics, air traffic movement, on-time performance, terminal activities, resource utilization, aviation safety and others


The Glorious “Operations module sub-modules”

PAX Movement Analysis

Queue Analytics

e-boarding Analysis

Wait time analysis

Check-in Time Analysis

Resource Utilization

Airline Wise On-time performance

Learn more about our solution, book a demo with our airport expert now!

We are always delighted and grateful for our clients to speak for us!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)